Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hey people ! Gonna post when i come back from GENTING !
I'm taking off tmre (: and and and , ue know what ?
it's early in the morning luhs , sian sian sian , planning not thu sleep
tonight , gonna play comp till day break-s , chat with joey on phone luhs ,
if i never sleep then can at bus sleep mah , so lidat luhs , hahah , alright ,
i'll take photos and upload em` alright (:

miss me (:

Friday, December 22, 2006

I've not been updating my blog for a few days .
There's many events in this few days ,
i seriously dosen't have anytime to use the computer .

18 December :

I buy very little things only .
went out with my mum , and auntie over to lavender ,
to take my newly done passport , as my old one was
expired already , so mum got mine done .
As the next stop was bugis , my mum decided to
bring me and my sis , together with my aunt , to bugis ,
to shop , so went there , went to eat at the foodcourt ,
ate the malay stall , it's chicken very very very nice !
Then , after that , they decided not to go over to bugis street ,
and go home instead , when it's only 4 plus , i was totally pissed ,
and so , i gave all my sucking attitude . then , my mum was kind of
kind , she allow me to go jurong point to shop . so me , my mum
and my sis went there to shop for awhile , and so i manage to bought
some things , it's damn nice !
I love it !

Things I Bought :
Mickey Jacket ( Black )
Mickey Tee ( White & Pink )
Mickey Off Shoulder Tee ( White & Pink )

19 December :

It was 6C's gathering , but it was
unsucessful due to the stupid rain .
the venue was sentosa ,
and it was a chalet , dhendhens , because of the
stupid idiot rain , the gathering was cancelled !
damn it ! whatever alright , then was planning to
go out with jermin ai ai , in the end cannot ,
because still got slight rain , plus i got no money and
things lidat , so cannot go . T.T
So no choice but to stay at home rot !
okay , whatever , it sucks !
but one thing !
It's our fourth month ~
woots ~
shuang daoooo~

20 December :
The day i'm waiting for !
Finally arrived ~
Band concert !
Ampio musica ! Is totally ROCKS DAOOOOOOOO ~
Totally love it okay !
Woke up at 11.30am , slacked at bed till 12pm
then woke up and prepared , meeting stephanie
at 3.30pm to go bugis before heading to victoria ,
Prepared , i bathed , hair dry my hair , things like that ,
prepare my hairstyle for the day and then i go change ,
after changing , i make up , because it's a BIGBIGBIG
ceremony for our school , so must make up , if not too simple ,
so , okay , after that used the comp for awhile and set off
to jurong point to meet steph , and i was like , totally PAISEH ,
pls luhs , she keep talking to her primary school friend ,
then i was like totally pangseh ? she keep asking her primary
school friend to ignore my nonsense =.-
like duhs , i didn't even have any nonsense except for telling
her that i saw weixiang , alex and tanhao ? she's so lame !
then we went to take mrt , okay ! i really regretted going out
with her , with the presence of her primary school friend ,
it totally SUCKS ! okay whatever =.-
when we reached the theatre , okay , it's like so grand ,
i totally in love with our school band !
mrs gan was like chio daooooooo ~
okay , whatever , going mad again .
The concert ended at 10plus ,
then dad came to fetch me :D

21 December :

Hmm , went out with mum .
Bugis street ^^
me and joey shopped ourselves ,
while , mum , aunt and sis shopped themselves ,
bought some things .

Bought :

Black tube top ,
Dark purple tube top ,
Denim Jeans skirt ,
Knee Length Socks .

anyway , that's the end ,
today rotted at home .

alright , good bye : D

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Boo ! (:

Hello , everyone ! I'm back to blogging .
Hahah , let me blog on some things okay .

15 December :

Hahah , i finally got the chance to go out with ,
Teo Yingyan ! zomg ?! she's so tall alright .
okay , anyway , we shopped around Jurong point =.-
But actually shopping around with her is so fun okay !
she's so chio , dua chio bu i can say . we walked around ,
then yingyan says she wanted to go to , mos burger to
eat something , then she treated me strawberries lah !
damn nice okay ! she ate one and i ate two (:
thank you yingyan ! she drank iced lemon tea too .
in the end she regretted T.T

so , we shopped around , many shops .
we went to courts and bump into angel ,
while taking a look at those phones ,
then , while we're in toy 'R' us , we bumped into angel again .
LOL , angel is not as tall as last time , because last time ,
she seems SOOOOOO tall to me , during primary 4 ,
but now , okay bahs , yingyan is taller , =.-
zomg okay ! anyway , angel is chio :D
shopped shopped shopped , as we were waiting for ,
mandy and yuping to proceed to pioneer mall for studying ,
and tmd , mandy cheong dont want to come =.-
damn alright , we waited for SO many hours , and tell me dont want to
come , freak off alright , never mind .
then yingyan came over thu mye house ,
did some internet stuffs , blogging , things lidat .
and at about 3 plus , yingyan went off :D
I seriously enjoy th day alot alot ALOT with yingyan !

* P.S yingyan ! let's go out thu bugis next time :D

16 December :

Officially announced , 1B's bbq is cancelled ,
we've decided to bring the bbq to next year's june holiday ,
which we wont be only having bbq but also , we'll be having
a CLASS CHALET :D which i think will be damn damn fun (:
so yup , teachers , be sure to be there [:

* P.S sorry gwt [:

I'm gonna said something (:
That is ,
I'm freakingly in love with ;

Crowns , Softtoy turtles , Polkadots ,
Stripes , Retro , Vintage !

Zomg ! Don't ever let me see that ,
i'm gonna get mad (:

see , the underline words rhymes :D
hahah , i'm so good at poem ,
which means i'm good in literature ,
bwarhahas ! i'm evil (:
=.- i'm so retarded .

Gonna post more later alright .

Replies Of Tags :

FIONA [:: Of course i do remember ue as a cousin (:
but , puh-lese don't make problems come alright , there's some
so called ' wu jie ' in our family or between cousins to cousins ,
alright , and this word ' **** ' had make bad relationship between
us , ue people accusing me of using that particular word on ue ,
so yup , to prevent from another ' wu jie ' or so called accusement ,
i shall not add ue in msn , that's it , pls don't visit mye blog again (:

♡ meihua: Greentea ! <33
Hahah , okay okay , sure will tag ue often dhers , i tagged ue
liao right . haha ! thanks for tagging 3 tags for me too :D
amandagreentea hearts meihuagreentea (:
wo ai ni !

ANGEL: Valentine ! Hahas , thanks wors ,
you this chio bu (: take care .

yingyann: Yeah , hello tall girl ,
i love ue alright (:

ricia: Kindly take a look at th class blog (:


stefanie: Thanks thanks thanks !

Jeramy: Hello , thanks for tagging sia ,
so kind siakkk . Take care (:

steph<333: Hey steph , alright ,
shall link ue up as soon as possible (: love you too !

vivian: I love my xiaokeai lots lots lots too !

Alright , replied of tags .

urm , next will be listing down of people i love and miss
currently :D

Esther baobei crownie
Michelle baobei noodles
Jermin baobei aiai
Jiarou baobei baobei xingan
Yingyan darling
Heather baobei pretty pie
Meihua baobei greentea
Jiling baobei sunshine
Shihui baobei lover
Shuxiang baobei queenie
Vivian baobei xiaokeai

If ue're not listed , dont be sad ,
because there are more ,
but i'm lazy to list more down T.T

Listing up of what i'll be doing for
th next few weeks (:

18 December - Going out shopping with mum , gonna make
her pocket broke a hole for sure T.T

19 December - * & 6c's gathering (:

20 December - Band concerto ! Mrs gan sia , i'm gonna go mad ! :DDDD

21 - 24 December - Shopping like mad , window shopping ?

25 December - Maybe going out with Jiarou xingan <3

26 and 27 December - urms , yingyan's coming over or we go
shopping together .

28 December - Chinese Dance (:
Zomg , talking about chinese dance ,
i completely forgotten those dance steps ,
but ' sotong sotong ' i still remember some bahs .

29 - * December - Genting , will be enjoying in genting ,
people miss me ! people miss me ! (:

1 & 2 December - Gonna go out with friends ,
i think call Jermin , michelle or esther ,
either one to go shopping with me ,
maybe call heather or jiarou ,
i want buy new things for school ((((:

3 December - Schoool ! I miss Jurongville alot alot alot (:
I love it ! Finally , ' deng dao lerhs ' can see mrs gan everyday lerhs

Okay , no more (:
Take care people !
Blogging more later on ?
Maybe only hurs .
Take care ohs .

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Okay , not gonna post much ,
post tomorrow okays .

urm , blogging in th middle of th night ,
then is secretly dher luhs ,
gonna blog into details and reply tags tomorrow ,

take care people !

Thursday, December 14, 2006

1B class bbq informations :D

Venue : West Coast Park :D
Date : 22 December 2006 :D
Time : 11am - evening ? :D

Hand in the money to me , weiting or mandy by ' band concert day ' which is 20 December :D
Thanks (:
Okays , was audition- ing ohs ,
then , played with some of mye primary school friends (:
urm , tomorrow , meeting friends :D
to study , i'm obedient [x

look out for me in audition .

retropolkaDOTS , novice dancer .
novice 3

take care , off i go , bye .
Replies Of Tags ! [:

JERMIN:D ; Lmao ! Hi baobei xingan ! <3
JOEY ; Nehnehs , hahas ! Trip to creative was fun uhs xD
Vivian ; xiao keai ! hellos , thanks ferh tagging narhs ! xie xie for those compliments ohs . (: wo ai ni ! <3 AMANDAAIVIVIANXIAOKEAIS ! xiao keais we'll remain forever :D
Lingpei ; Hellos ! Appletea ! hahas , she sucks alrght !
Stefanie ; Oh ! cutie pie ! Because changing of skins are cool . xD
elydia ; sure , i'll relink ue , as soon as possible ohs . sorryies ):
JOEY ; hurhurs , trip to science centre was damn fun ! xD
ANGEL ; Lols , i'm not chio pls [x anyway , will do the quiz when i'm free :D busy chiong-ing audition , dui bu qi ohs ! xD
Stefanie ; Hey ! LOLS (:
yinghui ; CHIO BU jie ! hahas , take cares . Linked ue up lerhs :D
Charlotte ; XIEXIE ! charlotte , i love ue :D
Vivian ; xiao keai ! where got narhs , i play audition where got pro ? anyways , ILOVEXIAOKEAI !
wanlingg ; meimei ! xie xie <3
JILING ; sunshine jie ! hahas , updated lerhs , take cares uh xD
MANDY x) ; iloveue toohs ! mandy , wo hen ai ni ohs <3
ANA- ; hey ! thanks , have fun with ue in audition :D

Tags Replied ! (:
Byes .

A Long Time since i've posted yeah .
There's alot of event for the past few weeks ,
i'll just mainly blog about it , but i dont know ,
which event is on which days etc.

16 november :

Went out with joey ,
i woke up at about 9 plus ,
prepared and so on ,
then i tried on many clothes ,
decided to wear brown & yellow striped tee
and a three quarter jeans .
then , after that , went to school to buy school books
for next year , but some of them , the stocks haven't come =.-
never mind , i got all th books except for ,

History , both textbook and workbook ,
and for literature , room 13 ,
oh shit ! gonna go back to school within this
week again uh .

then , meet joey at 11am ,
we went jurong point , the shops were all not open =.-
so , we decided to go somewhere else .
we went to marina square .
went to mac donalds to get a cup of small sprite .
then continued shopping , we went into a shop called mango .
saw a tee , simple but nice tee , there's many colours ,
was planning to buy it , because it costed only $15 if i'm not wrong ,
but decided not to , as later on we'll be going to bugis .
then , we walked around , went to many shops .
just went window shopping around there , then we went buying
chocolates ! those strawberry dipp-ed chocolate ,
omg ! hen hao chi ohs !
gonna get more next time :D
anyway , then we decided to go bugis , after shopping for an hour plus .
then , went to take train , reach bugis MRT . alighted .
joey went to get the ' prawn ___ ' i can't remember the name ,
but it's so delicious ! then we walked around bugis .
shopped around , then went to take neoprints , then went into this shop .
i forgotten the shop name , we saw knee length socks , red & black ,
was planning to get it at first , but went we saw the price it was $16.90
so we decided not to buy , cos it's quite expensive for a socks .
then , we shopped around . realised that there's nothing to buy ,
we decided to go back to jurong point .
ate strawberry fondue at andersons' ice cream .
damn nice hao bu haos !
then shopped around , finally bought something ,
went into 77th street , bought a shirt , damn nice :D
it's purple in colour . then shopped more ,
decided to go home after that ,
reached home at around 8.30pm :D

17 november :

It's west grove glam nite .
i as the senior , went back there .
not gonna mention more about it ,
too much .

23 november :

Meet joey at 9am ,
then went to jurong point ,
all the shops were closed , so we didn't shop .
then we took mrt , to outram park ,
then changed over to purple line , to go over to kovan
to meet diana chio bu .
then , i called her , she said she'll be late .
so we went into the kovan shopping mall .
bought sushi and ate . quite nice .
then wanted to shop around , having realised that
it was only a boring shopping mall .
soon after at about 10plus ,
diana reached :D
so took bus 132 to lorong ah soo ,
then went to reborn mye hair .
it took a few hours , so dhey waited for me ,
then went to eat ' minced meat noodles '
quite nice uhs . xD then took bus , then went to
bugis , headed to bugis street straightaway .
shopped around , i bought earrings .
it's nice okay ! then shopped around .
bought a dress , white colour .
and also a crown shirt together with joey .
diana bought earrings :D
we spent many hours there .
then , after that , decided to go town ,
but it was raining ! then we chiong in the rain .
went over to bugis , omg we were wet .
then took train to summerset , alighted ,
walked over to heeren , then shopped for awhile ,
then diana went to find her friend as they were going to eat seafood .
then left me and joey , we shopped around and decided to go
to jurong point , as i wanted to buy shorts .
so went there , shopped around , reached home at 9pm :D

there's many even happening in the next few weeks .
i forgotten , opps , so sorryie .

1 december :

met joey at 10.30am , at mye house downstairs ,
the bus-stop . then met her , took bus 243 to jurong point .
then , we went to take train , alighted at outram park and change to
purple line , alighted at habourfront . then walked to vivo .
we went up to the cinema , queued up for movie tickets ,
we were planning to catch ' saw 3 ' but realised that it was a
R21 movie =.- so decided to catch ' happy feet '
then , we bought tickets , the movie was 2 hours away =.-
then shopped around , cam - whoring around vivo , shopped like
nobody's business ! omg can . then finally , after that two hours ,
we went into the GV max , omg !
damn huge , happy feet is a damn nice movie !
remember to catch it !
omgomg ! i love the penguins .
human are aliens . LOLS !
okay , then after the movie , it was about 6plus ?
then decided to go town to have dinner .
we shopped and have dinner . i went takashimaya to
take more money from mye mother .
then shopped around . then shopped until 10plus ,
then go home . reached home at around 11plus ,
a long day indeed :D

there's somemore within the week , i forget :x

9 december :

was suppose to meet stephanie at 11am ,
but she say she'll be late , so i took the bus
the longer trip , the whole big round then reach jurong point ,
reached jurong point , piang !
still have to wait =.-
so waited .
then finally she arrived ,
on th way , we bumped into mandy and huiwen .
dhey're on the way to go for band practice :D
yeah , so chatted with dhem for awhile and dhey went off .
went into jurong point , steph was searching for clothes ,
to wear on band concert at victoria , as i've bought mine ,
so i just search for clothes . like tube top etc.
then search and search , i finally bought clothes , an army top .
then i bought a crown bag , white and gold in colour :D
finally , steph bought a speghetti stripe which is purple in colour .
i finally persuaded her to buy a ' lu ' clothes , because she dont dare to wear .
T.T then she decided to come to mye house , then played for awhile
and she went off .
so after that , it was 6plus , i rotted at home for the whole day then .

10 december !

you're finally thirdteen !

11 december :

joey mp4 hanged , so accompany her to go creative to have it repaired .
took bus 198 . then chatted and cam whore alot in th bus .
then , after it's being repaired , it's like , 1 plus only .
so we went to science centre , had fun luhs !
especially the alien worlds' thing ! omg , it's so ' ci ji ' siak .
then played played played .
then went to JEC to take neoprints and play arcade ,
i saw mrs bala there ! with her kids , so cute sia !
she's a pretty teacher indeed :D
haha , she smiled to me , okay .
then played played , went jurong point ,
then took bus back home .
reached home at around 6pm .

Today !

rotted at home for whole day :D
okay , now that i've changed blogskin ,
and updated blog ,

i'm gonna go chiong audition !
look out for me peepo !

audition IGN : retropolkaDOTS
level : level 7
grade : novice dancer .

look out for me in either ,
free 4 or novice 1 /2 / 3

take care people !
i'm going audition-ing :D

Saturday, December 09, 2006

P.S * after replying of tags , i'll
change my tagboard :D paiseh to those people
who tagged . Do tag in my new tagboard too .

Replies Of Tags !

♡ meihua: Hahas , thanks for adding !
I'll love green tea forever ! <3
JILING: Hahas ! <3
Lingpei: Hohos ! xD Appletea <3
JOEY: Hahas ! TAGG-ED you too , nehneh
kimmie,: You think i care about what you
say ? Nice or not nice not your problem (:
Stefanie: Haha ! Thanks for tagging so much
yeah ? I love you too !
angel: Haha ! Yeah , tahoma rocks alot .
The background nice right , haha ! I also like it .
Take care too ! I'll tag you more :D
Vivian: Xiao Keai ! Hohos . xD
hahas ! tahoma n0rhs . xie xie ! I LOVE YOU ! <3
jiepin: Hahas ! <3 Ice cream Jie !

okays , replied finish [:
bye !

Friday, December 08, 2006

Hellos !

People! I changed tagboard
again! cus i changed skin.
I LOVE this skin.
hmm, currently very in love with,

When i see all these,
i can really go mad mad mad [x
hees, i really love my seniors.
especially those from 2n2 (:
next year going to 3n2 <3

Jiling sunshine jie,
Lingpei hao senior,
Jiepin senior (:

they're all so good cans.

heheh, this time,
i change my tagboard,
straightaway ban those spammers.
is got limit one right?
i ban them forever.
if they use other comp spam,
jiu never mind luhs, ban that IP
code also luhs (: haha!

anyway, i love blogging.
it's so fun!
tahoma this font is darn nice [=
teehees xD
hohoho! christmas!

pioneer mall has the santa clause.
fake ones -.-
they irritate me, not make me puh-leseee.
heheh, sunshine jie still owes me a blogskin.
hmm, i think that's all.

going out with steph tml.
okay, i go offline.
bye. take care people!

hohoho !
merry christmas !

once again, countdown,
1 MORE day,
just one more &


hmm, anyway,

hohoho !
merry x'mas

im gonna get pressiessss.
Replies of tags :

Vivian: Hellos, xiao keai ! wo ye ai ni ohs (:
nah , i'm not chio nor cute [x you're more (: wo ai xiao keai (:

jiepin: Hellos ! senior ! thanks for the tag (:
will return you a tag soon [x hahas ! i love changing skins
-.- i'm retarded (: hahas ! thanks for the compliment on
my tagboard lah ! yours damn nice too xD . LOVES , take care too !

JILING: Hellos ! sunshine jie ! hahas ! i dont want ,
i prefer new one for new skin (: change colours , then next time if i
want blend back the colour , difficult siak . so new tagboard luhs (:
take care wors (: I love you :D

Stefanie: Hello ! Stefanie ! thanks for tagging lah !
I love you uber loads okay ! I miss you ! Stefanie ! I LOVE YOU (:
stef stef stef ! Tag more often ! haha !
pictures up next.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Presenting, me, myself & i (:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Presenting me, myself & i (:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
A picture i made (:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

For people out there,
you may want this picture as bg for blog.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

end of photos,

more post later?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

okay okay!
a great big THANKS
to those who tagged for me! (:
i seriously love you guys.

okay, for now,

Replies Of Tags
teoyingyannn: Haha, dont say sorry! I didn't blame you,
pissed with your mum only -.-
JOEY:Haohaos , i will go see, i tagged about comments,
dont need sms.

i'm gonna blog more later
okay okay!
a great big THANKS
to those who tagged for me! (:
i seriously love you guys.

okay, for now,

Replies Of Tags
teoyingyannn: Haha, dont say sorry! I didn't blame you,
pissed with your mum only -.-
JOEY:Haohaos , i will go see, i tagged about comments,
dont need sms.

i'm gonna blog more later
i'm totally freaked by
project superstar -.-

heheh, iLOVEdawn.

yup, no one's online,
i mean there is, but not those
i always talk to, T___T
hmm, i super love my tagboard's
colour blending,
this skin is pretty nice yeah.
simple yet complicated

yeah, some message to those immature freaks.
which is SPAMMERS (:
okay, whoever you are.
just stop all your immature acts,
you've got nothing to do izit?
huh, coming my blog everyday to spam.
at least one time a day, pls luh.
you think i give a damn?
those people i know, dont own a nickname
called lisa, SHITSA better (:
pls luhs, stop your immature act lah.
think of my own actions? pls luhs,
think of your actions before asking me to.
you're the one who should!
all you know is to spam, but not think.
you people use your shit to think.
and when i use vulgar, shut your mouth
and dont copy what i use!
copycats cum spammers!
bear this in mind,
whatever you said wont affect my
daily life, okay! as long as i've got my friends.
pls stop insulting them saying they dont like me,
kindly SHUTUP! it wont affect my daily life,
DEAR! immature freaks, shoo!
i will still carry on HAPPILY. SHUTUP! damn you!
oh, damn it!
dawn's out,
if got revival round,
i hope she in luh!
she's the one i support most
in this round!

  • DAWN LAH !
  • hmmm, heheheh.
    i'm back to blogging.

    heheh, lesser videos
    and things like that.

    quarrelled with geraldine
    but now should be okay le lah.
    dont worry people.
    i'm fine xD
    friendship matters again.
    & that kimmie?
    she's always acting.
    she is :x

    hmmm, blogging more informations?
    haha, yingyan's coming to my house
    to watch dvd and thing lidat.
    but her mother? i'm totally pissssssed
    with hermother. her mother actually dont allow
    her cos she's going thailand after that,
    her mother says it gonna be rush?
    so lame -.- craps siaaa.
    then, i think i gonna be total disappointed?

    i'm seriously lazy!
    i didn't upload pictures into my comp yet.

    today's superstar was okay.
    but during the result show, i guess
    i gonna be disappointed?
    i hate that sheila luh.
    so act. she thought she's the prettiest.
    heheh, anyway,

    DAWN : 19001120001
    MICHELLE : 19001120002
    AVERIL : 19001120003

    the two i support most are,
    dawn & michelle.

    * wo bu wen wo bu neng ~ *
    damn nicelah, that song

    rotted at home this few days.
    going out with steph on saturday,
    we're buying clothes?
    i wanna go bugis street more often.
    watching DOHA asian sea game this few days?
    heheh, yeah.
    all my crapz.

    yup, shall blog more laterrr.
    anyway, update my friendster profile.

    dont know if the website correct, -.-
    check it out yourself

    hmmm, adobe photoshop.
    i'm sort of pro in it alr.
    i love the effects,

    kay, to geraldine,
    or GER,

    sorry narhs. you flare so i flare xP

    and to those spammers,

    pls luhs, dont be childish lah,
    spam spam spam,
    name is anti spammer?
    anti yourself,
    stupid idiots.
    english surely fail,
    liza what shit,
    make up name only.
    i also dont know anyone called
    liza luh, shut up lah.
    dont act like so clever,
    dont like me f*ck off lah.

    i love,

    cong tai bei dao bei jing by xinhui ,
    damn nice lahhhhh!

    Wednesday, December 06, 2006

    Due to too much videos i put,
    some of you may lag,
    so i've decided to remove some :x
    but you may go youtube to take
    a look at it?

    averil is cute!
    omgomg! she's so cute.

    Omg luh,
    she's so pretty!
    she's got the SUPERSTAR
    style siakkk!

    LINGYI so cuteeeeeeee..
    okay! T__T she's out.

    acting like crazy ang moh people.
    damn funnyluh!

    dawn & michelle,
    i hope both of them make it to
    the next round,
    they're damn cool
    chio lah!
    黄川美, 黄川美, 黄川美!

    刘若雯, 刘若雯, 刘若雯!

    okayokay, more up here later.
    i cancelled those because,
    dont want anymore lags.
    hahahaa, more songs.

    okay, okay!
    now, i'm here to blog,
    in the middle of the night,
    some of you already dream until dont know go where?
    anyway, here to say something,
    i really love yingyan,
    i repeat, loveteoyingyan!

    to those
    sucking spammers,
    spam for all you like,
    sore losers,
    it wont be entertaine-d

    okay, bye
    kisses :D:D

    anyway, new skin,
    comments comments(:

    damn nice songs.
    do enjoy those songs.
    some songs i wanted to recommend.
    but radioblogclub doesn't have it.
    so never mind.
    but it's such a pity luh.
    haha, okay.
    yingyan says she's emotional.

    I'm gonna put more audition songs here!
    audition rocks.
    audition is addiction.
    you can get addicted to it :x

    audition songs are nice you know.

    This is a song,
    in the advertisement.
    nice lah!
    due to the song title.
    the player colour.
    is in different colours.
    to match the title,
    true colours.
    those colours dont match though.

    Those who're studying in westgrove,
    you're sure to have heard this song.
    especially the batch who guaduate in the same
    year as me.
    omg! remember, when we did our ACES.
    we're all laughing.
    memories are kept close to our hearts :D
    PLAY IT !

    This song is darn nice.
    it's an english song!
    damn nice!
    anyone has it?
    send it to me through msn,
    or tell me in tag.

    PLAY IT !
    this song is damn nice!
    if you dont play it,
    i bet you'll regret.
    SONGSSSS. music is my life!
    like omg luh.
    i'm so addicted to her song.
    damn nice luh.
    plus her cute voice.
    it makes me feel so
    perpetual. omg!
    宇恒, 宇恒, 宇恒!
    i'm in love with yuheng too!
    she's so sweet.
    her looks is cute lah!

    & omg.
    paris hilton songs are like great!
    music is my life.
    maybe my friends& i are joining
    superstar. ten years later =P

    i'm gonna be posting songs.
    i super love rong zu er can?
    she's damn pretty lah.
    you know, iloveher.

    杨丞琳, 杨丞琳, 杨丞琳!
    omg luh.
    rainie is so puh-weety.
    anyway, i love rainie so much.

    It's darn nice!
    is so darn cute luhhhhh.

    i love carrie, support her!
    she's so pretty!
    && i'm pretty fed up with the person called
    steven lim, the one who take part in
    勇 不言败 ,
    i feel that he's the one lieing luh.
    anyway, he's trying to break averil's reputation.
    if you dont believe, can go and take a look at the video,
    he's f*cking irritating& over act.
    keep saying ' oh my gawd '
    i think he's just over acting siak.

    Tuesday, December 05, 2006

    yup, here's the url for some of the videos.

    & yeah, kelly poon rocks!
    she's so cute in this video.

    take a look.
    this one is damn nice tooo.
    cheng li de yue guang.

    omg! i'm addicted to her again.
    KELLYPOON ROCKS. loveloves.
    she my sis then good sia.
    oh, like damn, it wont happen

    This one, kelly sung,
    darn nice

    yup, and for project superstar.
    the second batch.

    this one, song.
    Averil, cute sia.

    ya, i rotted at home today,
    went to jurong point for couple of hours.
    then came home,
    i bought some clothes as well as
    busstop hats.
    yingyan made me a skin,
    so sweet of her.

    but i'm too busy.
    to change a skin,
    sorry yingyan,
    i may not use your skin,
    cos i want to stick to this skin first.

    tomorrow, see first.
    i'll decide tomorrow.
    well, i look funny in bus stop hats.

    gonna post picture tomorrow,
    if i got the time.

    anyway, enjoy those videos.
    I love christmas!

    becoming mad about christmas.
    There's so much spammers out there huh?
    Do i give a damn? no alright, so kindly shoo.

    anyway, got some nice videos.
    i'm really getting crazy about
    project superstars. like, the first& second batch

    Monday, December 04, 2006

    okay! i'm freakingly fed up now!

    this message is specially for the " ex "
    who tagged at my tagboard okay!

    wahlau eh! like who the hell are you?
    pls luh, i didn't even snatch anyone's
    stead or whatever? you said i bitch.
    fck lah. pls luhhh, you're the one who's the bitch.
    & pls luh, when did i even flirt with guys?
    pls luh, get the facts right luh, want talk
    cock, come out fight lah, talk in msn.
    add me lah! so clever. own name dont put.
    put what shit name. EX? ex your head lah.
    i dont even know you. snatch what shit?
    pls luh, shut your mouth lahhhhhh. ex exex.
    ex your shit lah. use ass thinnk. also know who
    are you. EX siakkk. like as if i dont know who
    you are? ai yah. fight lose then dont talk
    cock lah. sec three childish kia. pls luh.
    SHUT UP LA ! spam , spam sai bo , kanasai .

    this message is for joey

    joey, there. that day that girl.
    we fight with her de.
    that sucker. lose liao dont talk.
    that one luh. that idiot.

    people who happen to read this post.
    pls go to this blog website.
    go to this web, spam her blog.
    she's a childish freak.
    who is a sec three girl.
    claims that her schoool's bball is very goood.
    she spammed my tagboard.
    she's a sore loser.


    I'm back to blogging.
    I changed my url as well as blogskin.
    heheh, i love tahomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    anyway, tahomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rocks.
    like, it's so damn, cool, rock asses.

    planned upppp.
    yingyan's coming overrr.
    okay, noww.

    i'm gonna post more tomorrow,
    & i enjoy deejay-ing alot& alot.

    visit the site,

    yeah, i wont be deejay-ing non-stop huh?
    i deejay-ed 3 hours today.

    i think a few hours a day.
    i'll be deejay-ing in the afternoon,
    at night too, sometimes.

    & i want diet!
    i'm 44kilograms now!
    rarrrr. i want a perfect,
    i'm gonna go on diet.
    i must slim down, within this week!

    it's so bitchy uh.
    i want to slim down!

    Christmas is coming!
    ooh, i'm gonna elaborate more.


    Christmas Tree that my parents wont get it!
    christmas presents that i'll surely be getting!
    christmas surprise like seeing santa clause, which wont happen.
    i'm loving it lah, like so muchh.

    listing of people i love so much

    Esther :D
    Jiarou xingan<3

    okay, i got to go now.
    like, i want to slim down!

    oh ye,
    countdown to michelle's birthday

    you knowwwww,
    i'm so lame,
    picturess soon.

    bye bye

    ♥ yingyan.


    wo ai ni, jiu xiang cong qian yi yang.
    cong lai dou mei you bian guo.
    when he said that to me,
    i'm so utterly stunned& i'm glad.
    wo hui na yang de ai ni,
    yong yuan dou yi yang, wo ai ni ♥
    wo ai cheng guo wei !